Mum and dad bought a new red chair for the bedroom. I don't know if I like it yet. I am sitting on it for this photo but then I went and sat on the bed to contemplate the new red chair. It does have my possum rug on it so it is toasty but I'm just not sure...
Oh you are so right to be careful of that new chair. But I am sure you will soon get to like it.
I think it is rather smart. Quite regal realy.
Enjoy Hugs GJ xx
We like the chair. We're sure you'll conquer it.
Huffle, you look very glamorous on the red chair with your fancy throw!
It is a beautiful chair and black goes well with red. But we are very surprised Mom didn't get purple to match your bed.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Ooooh. Huffle. Hubba hubba!
That is a pretty chair, and it looks even better with a Huffle Kitty posing on it.
It does kinda clash with your furs.
You look totally gorgeous on the new chair! Seriously.
Play bows,
Red is my favorite color--so I like it! The possum rug, huh? Have you ever tried to attack?
Oh, we think yoo look furry regal in yoor chair with the throw across it...Queen Huffle, holding court!
That chair looks purrty nice! But we like the possum rug much better!
(pee ess. To answer your question, me and Zoey get along okay...always have...but Zoey and Wally?? That's like oil and water! But we're still working on it... ~Ernie)
Hi, Huffle!
that is a nice chair! but, I'd prefer the big bed to have a nice nap!
Kisses and hugs
That red chair goes so well with your beautiful black floof!
I'd be all over that possum fur throw given half a chance!
Apparently cats can't see the colour red, so that could be why you're not to sure about it, because that would mean the chair is invisible.
A few claw marks should break it in well.
It's a good idea to really have a good look at a new chair. You never know when it could be a trap.
Woo look good on it BUT with your khollar, woo might look a bit Red Hat Khlubbie!
Very pretty but that is that big furry thing sneaking up on you?
Princess Eva
It is a beautiful chair, but you have to take your time to get used to it.
You look real nice in that chair!
That's a great chair for you! We think it's nice that your Mom picked a chair that would show off your good looks!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Huffle! It must be your lucky award week! I haven't followed your blog as much as I should have - see, I have a house-mate, Ozzie, who needs a friend, cause I terrorize her. I want to give you an award for helping Oz, who will be posting occasionally on my blog! So come pick up your award! Your blog is pawsome!
Hugs (maybe) Sammie
Hi Huffle! I like the chair, and I think you look very pretty sitting on it.
Your pal,
hey Huffle Mawson,
You look very kewl on your new chair with your possum buddy behind you! I think you should make the chair your new sleepy place and just snuggle up in your possum buddy and snooze the day away! And red goes very good with black, so you are a match!
p.s. Great photo of you at the top of your blog!
If you like the red chair then nap on it. If you don't like the red chair, cover it with your dead possums and nap on them. Eitherway, you nap.
Wow.. you look so great on the new red chair :)
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Huffle... I know you like purple, but you look good with red too! And so proud of you for getting on the red chair :) Not so evil is it?
Don't you think they should spread your possum out more on the actual sitting part of the chair? That would be warmer for you.
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