I know you have all been holding your breath, waiting to find out what my awesome present from New Zealand is. Well, have a good look at this picture and see if you can figure it out.

That's right - they bought me my very own fur rug! It's made of possum fur and is super toasty warm. Possums are a pest in this part of the world so it's good to do something with their furs. I'm sure my friend
Tubey would approve of using stupid nopossums (as he calls them) in this way.
Oh Huffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a really nice present!!!!
It does look warm and you look beautiful on it too!!
Yup,keeping you cozy and warm is a good way to put a pest to use ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
we have possums here too. they are pests in many places as well.
What a soft warm gift you got. Thank you for coming by our blog, and for adding us. We added you back.
Ohhhhhhh that looks lovely and warm, and you looks great on it Huffle.
That looks so comfortable. And warm. And we think you deserve every inch of it.
WOW! That looks uber-snuggly, Huffle. I'm not sure I'd ever leave such a warm and cozy spot, ever! So funny-many of us thought you were getting a furbling from New Zealand! But I like your present best-I want one!
Well, that is ALMOST as good as a pup pup puppy!
Woo look extra beaWOOtiful in it!
Oh Huffle you look just stunning on Possum!!!
possum? hmmm. well ... u look verree fabyoolus lyin on dat fur rug.
thank u so much fer da grate award. i will put it on mi paje later.
That sure is a comfy looking fur, but my human woman is a bit frantic, as she has not heard from Clyde Possum (who is on vacation) in a while.
That looks soooooo warm and snuggly........
Play bows,
You look super good sat on that awesome present. How handsome, and how comfortable. Its a realy good present.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
What about the possum? I suppose it's running around all nekkid now...
Awesome possum!!! That is a wonderful present - but we still think a live fur would have been nice too. Woo look quite relaxed and comfy, Huffle.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oooo, furs. Bet dey is soft and warm. Da nopossums here don't haf dem kinda furs...we don't think...we've only seen one and he's a purrty mellow little guy.
That is a fantastic looking blanket. I'll have to make my own out of the stupid no-possums!
That's a mighty comfy looking rug! I'm thinking this might give Khyra an idea. Maybe she can do something with skhwirrel fur.
hey Huffle Mawson,
Woof! What a great possum fur! And you look stunning on it! You mum and dad sure a cool to bring you such a great gift!
Can you send me the possum bones?
At first glance I thought it was a look-alike kitty! I know, silly me. Your throw is beautiful and you will love it.
What a luxurious present! I'll bet it feels real cozy and soft.
ps: Happy belated blogoversary!
You are soooo lucky! Mummy really wants a possum fur throw but they're really expensive (she wants a big one), so I only have a fake one.
Leo says he is going to have to get Mommy to print out the picture of you one your fur rug so he can hang it over his bed.
Tucker, Daisy and Leo
Hey huffle,
Whelay down on it and play, are you "playing passum?" Is apossum really an oppssum?
When dad went to your country a long, long, long, long time ago he brought back a sheepskin rug, well more like a sheepskin mat. But his ctas way back then evidently thought the sheepskin was all toasty too.
You've got your very own possum-fur RUG!!! Wow. Wow.
Wow, so furry, furry nice. Miss Nikita, who is now playing North of the Rainbow bridge, used to have a Sheepskin rug that she slept on all of the time. That was furry nice too.
What a great present. My parents left me this weekend and what did I get when they came home? Nothing. They just wanted me to give them kitty hugs. I need to train them so they are as good as your parents.
Oh my, that is a great present! Chilli rips out pieces when she comes across real fur, so all that's left for me is to admire your fur blankie from afar...
Purrs, Siena
Wow Huffle... that is a NICE pressie!!!
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