Friday night, mum and dad came home from work and started calling me and calling me. I came downstairs to see what all the fuss was about. I thought maybe they had some ham for me. But NO! Dad grabbed me and wrapped me in a towel, then we all got in the car!

Because I am an explorer cat, I was very interested in what was going on. I had to meow and huff at the big bus we passed; I didn't think very much of the bus. Dad says I was much better behaved sitting on his lap than I have been when I am in my carrier; I don't like that carrier at all. I only peed a little bit on my towel.
When we got the v-e-t and I realised where I was, I was not a happy kitty.

This is dad holding on to me in the v-e-t surgery. I really wanted to run away.

Dad put me on the table for the v-e-t to look at me and I did a big poo! Right there on the table! I was pretty happy with myself, but mum and dad were not impressed. The v-e-t just laughed and cleaned it up.
Tune in on Thursday for part 2 of my visit to the v-e-t. But be warned, there will be some pretty graphic pictures of my torture.
Oh woo poor thing!
I'm sure Zim will be on his way!
PeeEssWoo: Maybe woo khould khompete fur the Joe Stains award?!?
Mum told us about the plan to wrap you in a towel - we are so glad you were much happier, well, at least for the ride. Did the vet give you a nice treat for being so kind at giving him a poo sample?
Woos, the OP Pack
Could have been worse - on our last trip to the vet, Cosmo did a poo in her carrier, and when we got to the vet it was all mushed into her furry pantaloons. I thought it was funny, but she was not impressed when the vet shaved her botty to get it all off!
You look relaxed in that car! I don't think I have ever seen a bus. I am now worried about "graphic pictures" of your torture. I guess you are ok or mom wouldn't be helping me to read this!
You poopied on the vet's table? Good one, Huffle!
Babe says - Poo the VET - I did it too! I even made sure it was a stinky one ;)
Oh, dear Huffle, what could be wrong? I won't sleep tonight worrying about you, and neither will Ali Z who considers you her best friend.
Take it easy, Huffle, and we hope you don't have to stay over.
Stella and Ali Z
Hey Huffle - Thanks for coming by to see us at our blog. It's been a long time since we've been around and we didn't realize that you had lost Pooh Face Salvador. We're all very sad about that!!
It looks like you held up well at the v-e-t and even pooped to show who was in charge. Keep up the good work!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Oh, Huffle, Huffle. I'm so sorry you've been carried off to the v-e-t!What are they gonna do to you?
Huffle!! Huffle!!?? Are you DRIVING?!?! In a TOWEL!!? Oh.... oh, wait. I forgot. You guys drive on the other side. Sheesh. Sorry.
I hope the vet gave you a good report! I think it's mighty nice of you to give a stool sample right there - Mom usually has to collect my poopers in a special container when we get home and drive it back over to the vet. Think of all the trouble you saved everyone!
You are one cool cat, Huffs. And I'll bet you COULD drive, if you wanted to.
Play bows,
Oh no! ARe you ok? Your eyes look so big. But good thing you showed them with a big poo!
Oh, no, Huffle. Not the v-e-t! Those are some serious bug-eyes you have in the car photos. We know that look: in our house, it usually means, "GET ME OUT OF HERE. NOW!!"
Way to go with the poo: that'll show them.
Heya Huffle,
Boru wanted us to mention that these photos show how beautiful you are. We also thought you we driving while sitting on dad's lad in a towel but we actually remembered that the steering thing is on the right side in Australia and you drive on the left side of the road. Better to poop on the exam table than in a carrier and get to squat in it and get it all over you. That sometimes leads to a dreading bath. We really hope that your v-e-t visit was just for an annual check-up and shots, etc. and not because you is sick Since you didn't mention puking or anything we're gonna sume that you're OK. We look forward to the next part.
- The Bumpass Hounds and kitties
Nice work with the poo! I have never done that before. And I can see your cute little claws stretched out in one of those photos on the vet table. We hope you are feeling ok.
Meows my BFF
You poo'd on the table!!! Hhahahahahha, that will show them! We hope everything went well at the vet.
BOL! Good for you Huffle!
Letting that vet know exactly what you thought about being there.
We really hope that you are ok and feeling good.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
That was sneaky! I hope everything went well at the vet.
Kidnapped!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck!!
Good for you for dumping on the table!!! I used to poop in my crate.
Too bad I did not do it at the Vet's !!! heh,heh,heh
Purrs Mickey
Huffle, you are totally my hero! Pooping on the table? That's awesome!
Oh no Huffle the only thing worse than a vet visit part I is that there is a part II!! Hope you are okay!!
Huffle that sounds really scary. We hope that you are ok, you looked so unhappy.
Oh Huffle, I don't like going to the vet, either. I might have to hide my eyes for part 2.
See ya!
Huffle, you sure are pretty. I'm sorry you got scared. It doesn't sound like your boyfriend, MrSippiCup, was there to support you. You know, you can always call me. Or, if you'd like, I can wander over to his place (I've been meaning to do that anyway) and "speak" with him.
Your admirer,
Mr. Black
They can't complain that it wasn't a fresh sample.
Hopefully they had some ham for you when you got home.
Princess Eva
Oh you poor thing, and what duplicity, you thought you were going for a nice ride out not to the V...E...T...S ouch. I hope it is nothing serious.
Hugs GJ xxx
Sneaky, furry sneaky...some beans is just really sneaky. Good fur yoo, pooping on da table and making da vet clean it up shows dem who's da boss.
Good job on the pooping! hee hee
Hey, those poo samples are hard to get. You were just trying to be convenient.
So nice of you to give the Dr. a pretty present. I am sure he was happy and you were proud. Good job. Can't wait for part 2. Remember, I am only 7 months old. I might need a disclaimer.
Awww ... poor kitty. Hope all is well now :-)
Hello from SpeedyCat
Oh Huffle...we can't believe they tricked you like that! It's so unfair!!!
Meow Meow Huffle
I am outraged, Why did they take my girlfriend to the VET!!! I am so glad you POOOed on them! That will teach them!
Purrs and Kisses
Your Beau, MrSippi
Aww Huffle! I hope the mean v-e-t didn't hurt you too badly! I can't say I like the v-e-t either.
Much love!
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