"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows who he or she is. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including ones who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with ‘Honest Weblog.’ Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"
Okay, here are 10 honest things about me.
- I do not like fish.
- I have two grey furs. Please do not tell anyone.
- I have never climbed a tree but I have climbed the fence.
- I fell off the bed once.
- I can woof like a puppy.
- My favourite place to sleep is under the doona between mum and dad.
- I hide under the bed in the spare room when there is thunder.
- I take my food out of my bowl and put it on the floor to eat, sometimes.
- I bare my teeth at dad when he annoys me, but I don't make any noise.
- I refuse to stand on the red rug in the bedroom because it looks suspicious.
Wll done on the award, your list is impressive,
Take care Ginger Jasper xx
Huffle, I have never climbed a real tree, either. One day, I hope I will.
Thunder said he will try very hard not to scare you if you come back to visit again. And Phantom doesn't like the color red either. Red hat or red shirt - he will run and hide.
We don't see your grey hairs, you must have been imagining them.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Word verification - allys - spelled wrong but definitely true.
You woof like a dog? Huffle you sure are a funny cat.
Hi Huffle! That's a very good list - now I know a lot more about you. I had to look up doona - that sounds cozy, all right!
See ya!
Those were some interesting honest things Huffle. It was cool getting to know more about you.
Congrats on your award :)
We liked your 10 things too ;)
Since we do not go out,we have never climbed a tree ::sigh::
We guess a "doona" is a blanket on the bed,heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
You can woof! No wonder you're an Honorary Husky.
Apparently we cats can't see the colour red, so that could be why you don't like the bathroom mat.
I wanna hear you woof. What's a Dona? Kelly say it's a comforter or blanket. I am just not sure.
By the way, I cant climb a tree or the fence, but I have fallen off the bed a few times.
Check out my 10 things a few blogs ago.
We also had to look up doona.
doona - 3 definitions -
1. Doona is Australian slang for quilt or blanket.
It was 7º so he decided to walk around the house wrapped in a doona rather then put clothes on.
2. doona A doona differs fron the quilt, eider-down and duvet in that it has a removable, washable cover thus eliminating the need for cover sheet and blankets.
The word is Swedish implying that it is filled with down, although the great technical advance was that it was actually filled with non-allergenic polypropeline padding. The name comes from an advertising campaign in the 1960's in Australia by the furniture company, Ikea.
"Now at your Ikea store, the latest for the bedroom - the doona! Just the thing to go with your futon."
3. doona one of the funnyest words in english history, along with omnibus and fork
So then we had to look up duvet:
A duvet (pronounced /duːˈveɪ/, from the French duvet "down", IPA: ) (or continental quilt or doona) is a type of bedding — a soft flat bag traditionally filled with down or feathers, or a combination of both and used on a bed as a blanket. Duvets originated in rural Europe and were made from the down feathers of the Eider duck, known for its usefulness as an insulator.
Check this out: http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com/2009/03/and-award-goes-to.html
We all voted to ask you to use easier words that we don't have to look up you smartypants (look that on up).
Cool list, Huffle. Lets talk about the red rug, though, what makes you thing it is suspicious?
I would certainly like to hear you bark.
Congratulations on your award! That red rug sounds very suspicious. You are very smart to avoid it.
Hey thanks for sharing. Why the red rug? Oh and mailed out your magnet today!! should be 5-10 days. =)
Hmmm, then what will woo think of the red chair?
Nice skhrap!
I also like to take some of my food from the bowl too!
Don't pull those grey hairs. I hear that if you pull one out, 7 more grow in it's place.
Can we see video of you woofing? Though I thought you would woo.
Princess Eva
Hello Huffle! I just popped by to say hello and have a read of your latest post.
Congratulations on the award and how funny you don't like fish, I adore fish!!
lots of licks, Marvin xxxxx
lotsaluv Jeannie xxxxxxxx
I have a few suspicious rugs here as well that I will not stand on!
Here's a Saturday Smoochie -
Congratulations on your award, Huffle. We liked how it lets you tell cool facts about you. We must ask- what is it about the red rug?
Also, thankyou for suggesting Stella as a name. As you might be able to tell, we liked it a lot:)
We're glad you were so honest, Huffle...maybe you should think about dyeing those gray furs of yours....
Concats on the award, Huffs! And of COURSE you can woo(f) like a puppy - you're an honorary husky!!!
Storm and I can meow.
Play bows,
I am glad someone defined doona - we were wondering.
Don't like fish and you woof? Your a cat, right? lol Can we see the video of the woofing?
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