When the pupparazzi is following you everywhere and you never get any peace, there's one thing that makes them stop taking photos of you. Poking your tongue out at them!

Mr Mouse was on his day off so he was no help to me. The pupparazzi went away after this so it was all good.
Khan woo wiggle your ears at them too?
Happy Almost Weekend HM!
It's even better to turn your back on them!
I will have to try that! Thanks for the tip Huffle!
Ha ha ha ha ha - that's what our Mom did - that pic really tickled her. Guess she needs to get out more.
Woo, the OP Pack
your tongue is pink like mine!
Excellent job, Huffle. Did you have some tuna on your upper lip?
I hope you don't have to stick out your tongue all day long during Mr. Mousie's days off.
hey Huffle Mawson,
Now if you ever run for office the pupporazzi are going to use that pic of you! Damage control time! You need a back-up bodyguard for when Mr. Mouse has days off.
Good job Huffle! I need to try that more around here!
Sounds like good advice, although Mommy recently took a picture of me and my tongue.
I saw your Attorney-at-Claw comment on Angus's blog and we really laughed.
Hi Huffle, that sure is a very clever way to stop the pupparazzi
~ Girl girl
I am glad to see that worked for you. I recently tried that and was caught up in a slew of picture taking. Guess they actually wanted to see my tongue.
Purrs Goldie
We hope your tongue does not get too tired, Huffle. Why does Mr Mouse have the entire day off?
I hear cats can give the one finger salute too! Please demonstrate for a curious pup hehehe
Ben xxxx
Ha roo roo roo! Way to go, Huffle!
Oooh, that looks like a great, sunny spot to nap in! Can I come over?
Play bows,
Give 'em a raspberry!
I dunno, Huffle. The tongue photo is pretty darn cute.
You know, Huffle...maybe you should just sit back and ignore the pupparazzi...if you ignore them, maybe they'll just go away...
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Don't forget, that if your picture is being taken, then you are the center of attention!
Hahahahaha!!! I guess the pupparazzi dosen't like raspberries!!!!!! Way to go Huffle!
Purrs Mickey
Glad you like the award :)
You Go Huffle!
Great Tongue Action!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
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