Zim is very good with his cat behaviour. Following are the cat-like behaviours that Zim demonstrates on a regular basis:
- Acting aloof if I feel like it
- Being affectionate if I feel like it
- Only coming when I'm called if I feel like it
- Being known to walk like the Pink Panther
- A love of sleeping in the sun
(The astute ones amongst you will notice that I have immortalised my brother Salvador in the kitty cat logo. I think he would have liked that.)
Khongrats to Zim!
what a weekend of awards fur him!
MANGO Minster AND Honourary Khytty Khat!
PeeEssWoo: Rut roh - those traits are mine too!
Wow! Zim will be REALLY happy!
Look at that cool award - congrats to Zimmie!!!
Very nice tribute to Salvador - woo are a nice kitty, Huffle.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess - Mom says thanks to your Mum for the b-day wish.
Concatulations to Zim! It is a very prestigious honor to be deemed an Honorary Kitty Cat. It is so sweet that the award has Salvador's picture on it.
Furry nice award Huffle! Woos, Zim's a lucky sibe!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Aw, WOWZERS, Huffs! This just makes me want to purr. I feel so incredibly honored. And I LOVE that the logo is of Salvador. That is very cool.
I'm off to ignore my mom, nap in the sun, and then demand some ham.
Play bows,
Zim - Honorary Kitty Cat!
What a terrific idea, Huffle. Congrats to Zim and all my good wishes.
Ali Z.(I kiss no one!)
Great award for Zimmie!!! Sounds like he will make a great "cat" heehee
It was nice of you two use Salvador in that award too :)
That was very nice of you Huffle!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Yeah Zim!! What a fantastic award :) And what a sweet way to remember Salvador!
Congrats to Zimmie! I'm sure he will be quite honored.
How sweet of you to put Poo Face in the award. I'm sure he is smiling down from the bridge.
Zimmie is one cool cat! Just don't let Khyra call you litter-breath!
:) :) :)
ngratulations to Zimmie to be so honored to win a Huffle Award, and one fashioned after the great Poo-Face Salvador. Also a tribute to him.
Our daytona 500 Race was cut short by rain and neither one of our drivers did too good. There was a driver from Australia, Marcos Ambrose. You should check his website as he has an appeal about the Victoria Bush Fires. http://www.marcosambrose.com/latest_news.asp
Zim deserves to be a kitty cat emeritus, most definitely!
Congrats to Zim! We don't know many dogs that would want to be cats! And Salvador would have been honored that you used him in the logo!! Good job, Huffle!
What an excellent tribute to Zim and P.F. Salvador.
Sounds like Zim has "acting like a cat" pretty good.
That was very nice of you to remember Salvador!
So Zim is a Lab and a kitty? We're so confused.
Princess Eva
The award is a great idea. We think it's wonderful that you chose Salvador to be on the logo.
I'm astute! I think Mr. PF Salvador would have loved that!
That is a fantastic award. I'm not sure if my furry beasts would ever qualify!
Huffle, that was lovely of you to immortalize Salvador in that logo - you are a wonderful kitty.
And Zim should be deeply honored to get this award!
Congrats to Zimmy! What a cool award although Mom thinks all Sibes are cats in big bodies, we sleep. play. pounce and otherwise act like cats!
-Kira The Beautiful
Hello Huffle!
Thank you for your reassuring words on my blog, telling me my Jeannie behaved herself when she was with your parents! Phew! I was worried about her you know...... ;0D
My J said she had a brilliant time in Aus, and she much appreciated your parent's hospitality while she was visiting B and G. Thank you!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxx
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