Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ask Huffle Thursday

Greencheerios asked me this question: Huffle how come your toe nails are always so long in pictures? Are you not very nice when mum and dad try to trim them?

Deck 73

Um, no, I do not like my nails being trimmed.  I don't like ANYONE to touch my back paws at all, and I'll only tolerate someone touching my front paws for a minute or two.  Mum and dad have never bothered to trim my nails because I am a good girl and I don't scratch anything except my scratching post.  Also, they said I could keep my nails when Teddy started jumping on me, so I can defend myself if I have to.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Hey, you're lucky you get to keep your claws at full length! The mom's always after us, though she usually can do only a couple at a time, we fuss so much. When we have to see the v-e-t she asks the techs to do our front AND back claws! Aacckk!

We like your mum and dad better, Huffle!

Random Felines said...

Don't give Ivy any ideas...she is on mom's hit list again! Ivy was sliding off the bed this morning and grab for anything - and got mom's leg. We learned some new werds!!

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Huffle, I don't trim claws too, Like you know well I love all mischief ; ), I need it...tee..That's my style ! I'm a boy

Stacy Hurt said...

Right ON! Ms. Huffle. The other cats in the house get 'tipped' cos they don't go outside except to lay around like lazy things. *I* climb trees (yes, even at my age 15) and claw the bark off the bottoms of them. I even give them a workout on the old park bench in the backyard. Yours are really beautiful!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Hi Goon!

Athena said...

Oh, I HATE hafing my claws trimmed. I won't let mama do it, she has to take us to the v-e-t.

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

I was once lucky like you, Ms. Huffle. My bean never needed to trim my nails, and I liked it that way. Then one day, I started accidentally scratching my bean and she trimmed them. Now, they need to be regularly trimmed. I also have a mutant nail that grows really fast, and I can't retract it right.


Angel Simba said...

Huffle: you look like Edward Scissorhands there!

Mom has to trim Audrey's front claws one at a time - he only allows front paw touching for a few seconds!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Miss Huffle, I thinks your claws are beyootiful! The white contrasts wif your lovely black furs. Gorjuss!

Cara n Crew said...

We're like you, Huffle! Maybe once a year if we're at the v-e-t for something and we need to be knocked out for whatever, they'll trim our nails :) Most excellent picture of you clawrs today!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

The Island Cats said...

It must be a black cat thing, Huffle. I hate having my back feets touched too!!


Mr Puddy said...

Huffle, I'm back : ) I have a question !!! Do your pawrent brush your teeth ? if yes, how often ?

Sparkle said...

I like getting mani-pedis myself. Boodie likes manis, not so much the pedis. Binga fights both so my human does it to her when she is napping and sleepy.

Ellen Whyte said...

We're with you on the trimming thing. We only started trimming Au's 2 centre back claws when he got really old and started to stick to the bad sheets and the sofa. He doesn't mind because he knows it saves him the embarrassment of falling flat on his face!

Gigi said...

Huffle, I want you to know got all fainty with excitement when i saw this picture--you're the woman of my dreams!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Lucky you, to get to keep your full claws! Scarlett and Melly are pretty scratchy, although usually accidentally.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, you have you human trained well. We all have to get our nails trimmed, but we let mom do it, some of us with more fight than others.

Cat said...

Molly was exactly the same way, trimming her nails was a huge trauma for all involved!!!

Stella said...

Spoiled much, Huffle?


Cheyenne -Millie said...

You haves a very good mum and dad! My mom has never tried cutting my nails! I think it is because long long times ago she had a kitty who had no claws! She always felt sorry for that kitty!

Princess Jasmine said...

A girl has to be able to defend herself huh. When mummy was a little girl she had to be held down so her mummy could cut her nails hee he :)xx

CobblestoneAndBirch said...

I'm usually pretty good and don't scratch anything except for pulling on the rug when I'm excited! But mom still takes me to get them trimmed when she shaves me twice a year. Other than that they are pretty long.

Anonymous said...

Huffle, I think the nail business is a cat thing, alto some ,ahem, canines also object to that horrible human process. It is their way of torturing us ya know. I think they just like to make trouble. And they do not have to watch out for Teddy.

Poppy Q said...

I have never had a manicure either, and just scratch the deck and trees outside. Mum has never cut any cats nails, as it is not the done thing in NZ.

I think I would not like it either.

Poppy Q

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So the nest question is: Does teddy get his nails trimmed?

We all get ours done by #1. She stared when we were each very young and so we are used to it.

The Chans

Forever Foster said...

Suey and Fui are good at having their nails trimmed. But not me! I am the rottenest kittenboy in town when mum comes near my paws. I hiss and I spit and I growl like a little demon. What is Teddy like?


SeaThreePeeO said...

We don't have our claws trimmed either. The pratice isn't that popular in the UK

Jack & Moo said...

That is a really cool pic of woo, Huffle! Our claws need trimmed right now, cause we don't walk on sidewalks anymore & they get all clickety-clackety in the house. (We can't pull them in like kitty-cats.)

jack & moo

Unknown said...

Oh Huffle - claw trimming is a dirty word in our house after the now infamous incident a few months ago during the monthly claw trim which landed me in A&E - reason? Mr Darcy accidentally (so he says) kicked me in the eye!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow look at those nails quite impressive. I also have never had my nails trimmed and dont think I would like it.. Hugs GJ xx

GreatGranny said...

Huffle, you're an unusual girl not clawing things. My former hooman took my front claws.
xoxo Kassey

The Army of Four said...

Oh, I love a good manicure. Yeah, I know. That whole "LabraDave" thing again, right? I can't help it!
PS: I'm glad the Bully Cat doesn't have nails like yours!!!