I'm starting the weekend early today. Mum was away for most of the week so dad kept me busy doing stuff because he was bored at home alone. Mum arrived home last night so I have to catch up on my sleep today. Find the nearest sunbeam and do the same!
hang on.... Your dad made you do stuff??? that's just not on! When did you find the time to sleep?
We are curious. Exactly what is the difference between your weekend and your weekday. We can't tell the difference. Just saying.
Do stuff?
Like take woo fur a walk?
Warm his Khookie Monster slippers?
You're a lucky kitty to have a weekend early!
doing stuff can be exhausting, you'd better rest up!
We understand how important it is to get the proper amount of rest.
I think I'll follow your lead on this one, Huffle!
Since you are starting the weekend early we will too.
Thanks, dear Huffle for our 3 day weekend.
The sunbeams at my place aren't strong enough to warm ANYTHING up today... so I've taken to the beans' bed, and am spending the day under the doona. Amazing how I can comment on blogs from here, isn't it?
Your lucky to get a 3 day weekend! You look real good in that sunbeam! I will take your advise and follow the beams this weekend!
P.S. About my kitty grasses. Thanks for asking. My kitty grasses came from a seed packet from Renee's Garden. Unfortunately they are available only to the USA and Canada.
Hi, Huffle!
Sure you are happy with your mom at home now!
And after a week of doing stuff sure you deverse a long lazy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Roger that Huffle. WILCO (gladly).
Since your dad made you do stuff, it's only natural you'd need to rest up after that!
Hope you didn't overdo it, Huffle. Pleasant sundreams.
Woos, the OP Pack
I am not looking for a sunbeam, Huffle, but a floor fan to blow cooly breezes on me. Its 80 degrees here!
Enjoy your three day weekend!
Good think your Mom is home!! Doing stuff with your Dad got you all tuckered out!! You probably do not have any mice left either!!!! heehee
Enjoy your sunbeam :)
Purrs Mickey
hey Huffle Mawson,
It is always more comforting when both your humans are home, isn't it? I just have one human but when she is home I find it much easier to sleep!
I bet your dad kept you busy just to keep you out of trouble! Not that YOU ever get into trouble...I'm just sayin'...
Enjoy your well-deserved rest, Huffle! We'll be helping Mom paint this weekend.
OK. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Will do, Huffs!
Play bows,
We've had rain rain rain, so there's no sunbeams to lie in. But I found a good mud puddle instead.
It's always lovely starting the weekend early! We do every weekend, since we send our humans off to work everyday! PAR-TAY!!!
You look quite comfy and content in your sunbeam. We usually prefer the cold air vents!
Have a great weekend!
Holly and Khady
Exactly what can a human make a cat do? I always thought that cats did what cats want to do and nothing else...unless treats were involved.
Princess Eva
Mom says that right now she wants to start the weekend early.
Hi Huffle I love my sun spots too. We have skylights upstairs so I follow the sun to these spots all day long.
Your banner is a lovely photo of you. Enjoy the napping & sun bathing.
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