This is me sitting next to dad's computer. We have named it Zim after my best friend because it goes zoom zoom. You can't really tell from this photo but it has blue disco lights inside that flash when the computer is running.
What you can't see that mum chopped out of the photo is dad sitting next to me in his Cookie Monster slippers! He didn't want me to tell you that. Oops.
That's a whopper computer for blogging!! Are you sure you don't play games on it when you're on your own??
A beautiful photo of you to be sure!
That's so COOL! I'd love some blue disco lights! Ha roo roo roo!
I wish you were sitting next to the REAL Zim!
Play bows,
Oh noes, we would have been having a Friday laugh if you were allowed to show dad in his slippers. Is he a cookie monster too?
Woo khould pretend to show us the slippers...
Oh, Huffle, I want one of them puters with the flashing lights. That would just suit me fine. I would even wear Cookie Monster slippers on all four feet if I could get one of those.
Where do you get them?
We have gone only to laptops which don't have blue disco lights. But cool idea.
You really should have shown the slippers. We want to see them. Our hu-dad bought his sister "Grinch" slippers once and she wore them all the time.
Enjoy your Friday =)
Jas & Gi
Hi, Huffle!
Yes, I wish I could see your Dad's slippers!
Have a great friday!
Kisses and hugs
It's OK, Huffle, we won't tell Dad we know. So do his slippers match the blue in the Zim machine?
Woos, TD and Phantom
Heh. I wanna see the slippers.
Can we turn off the lights, turn up the music and watch Huffle dance?
Awwww, we wanna see the Cookie Monster slippers!!!
Nice computer...but even nicer picture of you, Huffle!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Sounds pretty fancy Huffle, the computer and the slippers.
Hey, we wanna see the Cookie Monster slippers next time!!
Cookie Monster slippers? Please reveal all, straight away! LOL! We wanna see pictures and everything!
I like to sit next to my dad's computer, too. When he opened up the side panel to give it a quick dust, he ended out pulling a whole extra silver tabby out, made entirely of furs!
That is a neat photo of you!!
Your computer makes my mom think of a flying saucer! Our computer here has green lights!
Cookie Monster slippers! Ha! Ha!
hey Huffle Mawson,
"C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me!" I bet those are some fun slippers to play with!
I dig that computer! And you sure look very nice and poised posing next to it. But didn't the "zoom zoom" noises make you nervous?
What a cool computer! I am very impressed - the disco lights would be cool!
We can see some blue!!!
You look good as usual sweetie :)
Mom loves the Cookie Monster. She also likes Oscar and Grover! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
My mom said to tell your dad that she would wear Cookie Monster slippers... don't be afraid to admit it!
P.S. That would be a sigh to see if Zim had flashing blue lights! Wow!
Hey!! lets see 'em
Oh wow, I bet you can use those cookie monster slippers as blackmail material.
Huffle: Give me some ham.
Huffle Dad: No.
Huffle: Do it or I will show your slippers to the world.
Huffle Dad: How much ham would you like? I'll go get it right now.
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