- Ham. Of course this is the top of the list. Ham is my favourite snack ever. Everypup and everykitty should be allowed to have ham.
- Huffle House. This is where I sleep sometimes. I posted about it here recently.
- Helping. Because I am an honorary husky, I am part working breed. This is me helping mum to make the bed this weekend.
Huskies. My best friend Zimmie is a husky. So are his two sisters and brother.
- Holidays. Recently I did a world tour to visit all my friends. Only, if your mum and dad are going on a holiday for FOUR weeks, that is not good.
- Holding up the walls. I make it look easy, don't I?
- Her Royal Highness, Queen Meeshka. She is our leader. And she is leading the fight against the evil squirrels.
- Huffle Duffles. Zimmie's mum makes really cool bags and she named one after me! I am getting a special purple and black one to hold all my mouses.
- Huffle Mouses. I LOVE to play with my mouses.
- Home. I love my home with my mum and dad and never want to leave.
That's my list, pups and kitties! Let me know if you'd like me to send you a letter too.
GREAT job, Huffle! And really... that picture of you working just exhausted me! I can only imagine how tired you were afterwards. Don't over-do, OK?
Play bows,
PS: Storm said your #4 is questionable -- you know,
with Dave being a LabraHEYLEGGOOFMYNECK! Gotta go, Huffs! Later!
A Huffle Duffle?
Wow. All I can say is wow.
Purrs Goldie
Huffle! I like the idea of a Huffle Duffle..I've never had Anything named after me! You are very special! You can send me a letter!
Thank you for your kind sucking up, I do appreciate subjects that tell me how wonderfully fluffy and regal I am.
I do love the suitcase pose in the bed while helping your human, it is fluffy and regal too.
The Squirrel campaign goes slowly, as more huskies have been attacked and had their faces go puffy. We hope to have someone infiltrate their headquarters soon, more on that later.
Very good Huffle. I like holidays too because then Mom and Dad stay home with me!
Hey, Huffle, is MrSippi your Honey?
Woos, the OP Pack
Nice job! You can add, Himmie - my friend, Praline!
Sorry I haven't visited lately, mom has been getting home pretty late and uses that as an excuse!
You did great Huffle... I'll take a letter, gish I hope it isn't Q or X though...
How about "HANDSOME MrSippi"?
Princess Eva
Hurray for Huffle and the Huffle Dusffles, and Huskies too!
What a great list!
Whicky Wuudler
Nice job Huffle!
How about "handsome" as in handsome Mrsippi...eh, just a sugjeschun. We havn't visited for awhile but we is working on getting mom to settle in and help us instead of running here, there and everywhere. Maybe we need to start training dad, he seems to sit and do nothing a lot.
Wowie, Huffle! I can see you are an excellent helper with the bed.
That was good, Huffle! You got furry creative with some of those...we'll take a letter!
What a neat idea!! You answered well for the letter H :)
As for Mr Sippi, Honey bunch is a good start! heehee
Purrs Mickey
That's so cool that Zimmie's mom named a bag after you. You mousies are so lucky to get to be in an custom made original bag. Please send me a letter. I'll give it a try.
Meow Meow Huffle
It's HAPPY MrSippi - I would love a letter from you!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Just call Mr. Sippi "Heart-throb." That start's with "H."
You should check out my pictures on our blog and then start calling Mr. Sippi "History" I've been HKS (Huffle Kitten Smitten) ever since we had that strange Police Box and a certain celebrity visit us recently.
- Brian Boru Beau-Maine (Maine Coon Cat extrodinaire)
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