Why are you pointing the flashy thing at me? I'm just trying to come downstairs without being harassed by the puparazzi!

Is this my good side?

Ooooh, what's that over there?
(variation on the Stormy "What's that behind you?" pose)
I'm outta here, I've had enough!
Oh, yeah you work that camera!!
Not bad but would have been better with a tiara!!!
Princess Eva
Hey, you gave your mom "the tail" just like my sister Misty does!
Oh, Huffle, I know I am not supposed to be a cat admirer, but you are one knockout kitty.
Woo, Thunder
Very nice, natural skills!
Black coat, green eyes and a purple collar? You are a fashionista! Great pictures Huffle!
You really do look like royalty in that first shot! Storm says you rocked that photo shoot! Ha roooo!
Play bows,
Your BPP,
It is so hard being famous. The puparazzi are always present! Where are you bodyguards?
Well hello Huffle (& Salvador too). We saw your comment over at Beezer's and wanted to stop by.
I don't know why we didn't know about you sooner, but now that we do, we'll come by more often. Stop over and see us.
The Crew
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
Very nice photos. We think black cats make great models.
We just came here from Mickey the Black Cat, and happy to make your acquaintance.
Princess Eva khalled it khorrekhtly:
WOO soooo need a tiara to go with that regal purple khollar!!
Huffle, you are quite the model!!!!
What a wonderful pose! I agree, these flashy things are making the beans a "pain" to deal with.
You are so beautiful - that's why the puparazzi won't leave you alone! I just have Thor and Marco Polo following me around.
Mama, and the Kids Carolina and MrSippi
You pgotograph well,that's why you get your picture taken!!!
I love the kinky tail too !!!!!
Purrs Mickey
G'day - we live up north in Canberra. We are three sisters, Pyewacket, Trixie and Tigger - who has her own website, Tigger the FBI Cat.
Waving at you really hard! Can you see us?
Prrrrrr Huffle! You need to tell us more about your beautiful collar!!! Oh, I hear Wilber is coming to see you. So, how about I tag along???
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