Friday, November 5, 2010

Finally Friday

Mum was out taking photos of me in the garden the other day.  She said I was being difficult and could I please move, but I didn't want to.

This is where I was sitting:
Huffle 20

And that is why the left side of this photo is a bit blown out.  I was in the shade and because I am black, mum needs to reduce the shutter speed to let enough light in to take my photo.  Which means the sunny bits are blindingly bright.
Huffle 15

If your eyes have glazed over, I'm sorry, the pupparazzi made me say it.


Anonymous said...

Huffle, you made up for it just by saying 'Friday'.

Momma says gray is hard, too. She uses levels and curves a lot for the gray boys, 'speshully for Grayson.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Huffle, we think any picture of you is always great!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Angie, Catladyland said...

You are such a beautiful kitty!!!

Sparkle said...

Even if the background is kind of bright, that is still a very pretty photo of you!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It's all gobbledygook to us, but the pics are beautiful, Huffle.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Katnip Lounge said...

Mommy says that's what Mr. Crazypants is for! She just writes.

Kea said...

We like any photo of you, Huffle. A very happy Friday to you!


We are mainly black (with some white) and Mom always complains about how hard it is to photograph us,but it never stops her. We love seeing how your Mom photographs you.
Happy Friday.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Don't worry -

I think most of us are furry versed at tuning out the moms!


Ellen Whyte said...

As long as we can see you, we'll squint.

Cara n Crew said...

Way to be difficult, Huffle :). We like the photos just the same. Happy Friday!

-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

Danielle said...

MOL! My human bean says I'm hard to take picures of to keep the white on my face exposed right. Whatever. I just tune her out, like Khyra said.

Mr Puddy said...

Huffle, what do you talking about ?
Your photo is always great !

Poppy Q said...

Huffle, you are gardenliscious. I bet the birds are noisy in your neighbourhood, ours are enjoying spring here.

Cat said...

Oooh Huffle it's all very technical...but you still look great :-)

The Island Cats said...

We don't know what you were saying, Huffle, but we think that's a real good picture of you!

Lorenza said...

I have not seen a bad picture of you, Huffle!
Happy Friday!
Kisses and hugs

Gigi said...

MOVE? You're kidding, right? You should always sit just exactly where you want to sit!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Huffle, you are such a beautiful lady panther!

Jack & Moo said...

Woo, we like how glowie your eyes are, Huffs!

jack + moo

Jacqueline said...

You are so gorgeous Huffle; we adore seeing all your lovely photos...Happy Friday, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

A furry lovely picture of a lovely garden panther indeed!

Da Critters

Anonymous said...

We think you should sit where ever you want to.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Huff, we love yoor stubborn streak. It's so ... well ... cat-like! MOL!

Forever Foster said...

You sure are pretty, Huffle. When our friend Tanya came with her super camera to take photos of us she had a lot of trouble going between Suey and Lishy, because she had to change all the settings. There were some very blown out photos of Lish, and whatever the opposite is of Suey!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Nice contrast between the light and shade though. made all the better for you being there Huffle!

Pip said...

Hi Huffle, we comes by to bisit. We reads all your posts, and we goes to bisit your furend Pabs too.
We sees everything is good so we has a happy.
Your picshurs are beautiful as usual. Of course you is even more beautiful.
Love TK

Elyse K said...

Huffle, I'm with Holly... Any picture of you is always great! You are gorgeous! Happy Friday!

Vicki said...

Lookin' good in your garden Huffle!

Percy the Cat said...

We don't quite know what all that camera stuff means, but we think the photos are pretty good!

Mum has trouble photographing me too because I can look like a big black blob. She likes to wait for nice natural light, and then not use the flash. :)

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You are always spectacular, but we think your Wordless Wednesday is awesomely cute.

The Army of Four said...

OOooh, that is SUCH a pretty PICTURE of you, Huffle!
Our mom likes camera talk. I usually hide under the table when she starts that sort of thing.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Why Huffle, you look like you are just waiting for the cocktail hour to begin...very sultry shot!