It's getting colder here, so on the weekends mum and I stay in bed later and drink coffee. Dad gets up and makes the coffee and then reads the news on his computer, telling us the important stories. Mum reads our emails on the iPhone. It's a good way to start the day! Also: this weekend is a long weekend so we get an extra morning in bed tomorrow!
i'm wishing that edda was with me at the hospital. it's good to have daniel but i miss my panther!
You look so content there, Huffle. Mom says she doesn't like to have the news read to her - she likes to read it firsthand herself. Stay warm.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Do woo want to swap hemispheres?
Huff - if you are an honorary Sibe, you should be excited about cold weather. Unless you are Rusty, of course.
Looks pretty good! That's nice that your dad brings you coffee. I'm assuming you get some too?
We think spending a morning in bed snuggling with the news is a great way to fight the cold.
We were thinking along the same lines as Kat - do woo like double cream in your coffee?
Eoos & a-roos,
Star & Jack
Hi, Huffle!
I like the way you spend you weekends!
An extra day is pawesome!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Huffle - I'm in the cathouse - again. Someday, I'll get to make a post, but lately, I've been really successful at catching things for which I get into trouble. Last week, I got a bird, 2 rats and several mice (according to the neighbors). Anyway, soon, mom says I will be making a post, so watch out world. You look so happy there, Huffle.
Snuggle in bed with mom is the best! Especially if she scratches your belly!
Princess Eva
Woo there Huffle~
There's nothin' wrong with a lazi day with Mumm. Make the best of it there mi little kitti pal.
Your malli pal,
WhiskerWoo: Porchi sez "mmmrrrooowww".
You look vey cosy indeed! Purrs.
That sounds good! My mom is not a morning person. She thinks staying in bed late always feels good!! Hope the rest of your weekend is restful!
Aren't lazy Sundays great, Huffle?! Mom LOVES her iPhone, too!
I know - I am excited about having an extra day to play in and out, in and out, in and out (at whim) with Vicki & Paul
Hi Huffle,
Yes. . the bed! It is soooo comfy, isn't it! I hope you enjoy your extra day of relaxing there.
It's getting hotter and hotter here, but staying in bed and drinking coffee STILL sounds like a great idea!
Play bows,
Sounds like a good idea to me..
Hugs GJ xx
We wish it was getting colder here. It's just getting hot, hot, hot.
Meow Meow Huffle
You look so beautiful in bed! I love sleeping with my Mom too!
You drink coffee, Huffle?? Is it catnip flavored??
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