It's finally Friday here and if it was going to be a nice day I'd be able to sit out on my balcony like this, but the weather this week has been cold and wet and I am sick of it! I can't even sit in my parsley pot because it's full of mud! I wish summer would come back.
I'll paw it AGAIN:
Do woo want to switch hemispheres?
Happy Friday!
I usually love Fridays 'cos Mummy has the day off, but she has to work today. It's horrible and cold and rainy here, too.
We are trying to huff and puff some warm air your way - we still think maybe you should come visit for a while.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Huffle, your summer will come back, it always does, doesn't it?
Just bear with the winter and be happy its not cold and snowy like ours is.
Yes, Huffle, I am going to share some of the Salmon/Cheese cookies with Ali Z (my Mom is making me) but we have to break them up because she doesn't like big things to chew like dogs do. She likes teensy pieces to nibble on. She really is a pain, Huff. You can see that, can't you?
We are sorry you don't like the cold and rain! It is cooled then hot, then cold again!
here it is hot and wet-- good for sleeping!
Guess what...we want Summer too ,heehee
Today it was 15C and rainy.Friday will be rainy too. We hope the weekend will be nice. This has been a very cold Spring for us :O
Stay warm Huffle :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Come on over here!!
It's almost summer here. Would you like to come live with us for a while? Then we could be two against two against the furry beasts.
It was 91 here today! We would be happy to send some warm weather your way!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi, Huffle!
I wish you a happy and sunny weekend!
Kisses and hugs
We have just the opposite problem... we wish winter would come back soon!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack
Cold and wet here too Huffle, though it is supposed to be nearly summer! I don't mind, as I am just as glad to find some snuggly blankets to curl up in for an extended nap!
We are having cold and wet too, Huffle. Wish summer would really come. Leo is suffering from lack of sunny sleeping spots.
Tucker, Daisy and Leo
Maybe your mom should bring your parsley pot in when it rains.
Princess Eva
hey Huffle Mawson,
I'm with you - Friday's are great!
Sorry you can't be outside, but you know, no one would notice if you had curled up in a mud pot! Unless you have red mud. Look at it this way - you could take a mud bath! I heard humans pay a lot of money for those! They are supposed to make you even more pretty, but you already are really pretty!
Oh dear. P'raps the sun will shine later? Pity about da parsley pot - hope it survives the flood of mud!
I want a great weekend, too!
Hello lovely one, I have had a lot of rain, but today is sunny. Do you want to come play here. You can sit in my pots if you like.
Hugs GJ x
You think you are cold! It has been minus 1 here for the last 2 nights. I have stayed inside where it is toasty and warm.....
I would say the same thing -- come visit us in North America, our summer's just beginning here! That way you could have purrpetual summer by moving back and forth with the seasons, Huffle!
We are sick of HOT. What happened to Spring? But then again, any Friday is a good Friday!
Great picture of you, Huffs!
I think you should come here so we could lay in sunbeams together.
Play bows,
Huffle, if we could send you some of our summer, we would!
Can we trade?
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