On the weekend, when it was sunny, I had to sleep wherever the sun was. This is me in the hallway upstairs outside the bedroom with MY bed in it. About an hour later, I had to move closer to the door to follow the sun. Position is EVERYthing when it comes to being toasty.
My warm and fluffy khoat would LOVE to keep woo warm!
Maybe you should come here Huffle, Mom is like an oven.
Hi, Huffle!
I am like you! Always looking for the sunny spots!
Kisses and hugs
No wonder we kitties need so many naps!!! That darn sun keeps moving and we have to move too!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You need a sunroom that has 360 degrees of sun.
Princess Eva
So true! You hafta move round the house following the sun spots. Trouble is there's no sunsine here today, it's cloudy. And worse than that, it's forecast heavy rain tomorrow and Saturday. What's happened to Summer hee in the UK?
i agree abowt pozishun.
pozishun iz evreethin in life.
Oh how I miss the winter! It is starting to get hot over here in Georgia, Huffle!
I also agree you need to move with the rays and catch those sunbeams.
Hugs GJ xx
I like to get my back end in the sun, but keep my head in the shade.
Oh yes, Huffle, the sun is very important when you want to be toasty warm. You are a very smart kitty.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What is it with sunbeams, anyway!?? They never stay where you want them to!
Play bows,
We haf perches everywhere dat sunspots come in...but we still hafta move from window to window...
Here it is very, very hot... so we're more about the shade, or dappled sunshines right now.
You got it just right. The sun is a sneaky bastard.
We agree about positioning and sunbeams.
Maybe you should ask for a heat lamp so you don't have to get up and move. That is such a bother.
We think the Beatles wrote a song about that...I'll Follow the Sun!
Yeah! What's with sunbeams anyway? Why can't they find a spot, lay down and stay put? Every half hour or so ya getta get up and drag yourself a foot across the floor just to stay warm. You hit the nail right on the head; position is everything.
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