This is my new cousin, Chloe. Isn't she a cute little thing? She has a very floofy tail! Mum hasn't let me meet her yet, as she hasn't had all her shots and things. She's about 12 weeks old in this picture. Mum said she's a sweet little kitty, who likes to play with all the laundry on the line and pull it on the ground. What a girl!
floofy-tailed cats are cool. my brother finian has a floofy tail. my mommy also likes stripedy kitties.
Chloe is very pretty!! Where does she live?
You looked pawsome laying on your Dad's computer wires yesterday ;)
What a great helper you are :)
Purrs Mickey
Woo KNOW I would just love HER floofy tail!
Yes, khwite tasty - I mean khute!
Miss FLOOFY Tail
Chloe is so cute!! She looks like a real sweet girl! I love floofy tails too!! I am especially fond of mine!
Oh yes, she is so very sweet - and we love her name. Will you and she get to play together after she has all her ouchies taken care of?
Woos, the OP Pack
what a beauty, she is lovely. I love fluffy tails too, like mine.
Hugs GJ xx
Ooh. I dig her crazy stripes! When will you get to meet her?
Play bows,
OMG! It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen *-*
Jas & Gi
She is just a perfectly beautiful kitty, Huffle. When will you get to meet her? She seems small to be pulling laundry down, but if a kitty is determined, they will do it.
Keep us up on what she is doing!
She's furry purrty Huffle, are yoo and she gonna be frends?
She is very, very pretty! I wish that I could meet her in person!
What a beauty! She looks like Siena!
Oh she is a cutie!! Mom is squealing.
Nice to meet Chloe!
I hope you can meet her in pawson soon!
Kisses and hugs
Ai Cristo, não sei inglês. Mas quero registrar que seu blog é lindo, seu gatão pretão também. Grandes beijos do Brasil. :)
Meow Meow My Dearest Huffle
I have to agree, your cousin Chloe is quite cute but she doesn't compare to my most beautiful girlfriend!
MrSippi and Mama
Chloe is a cutie! It's khool to see the floofy tailed kitties when they get scared - those tails triple in size! (Don't ask me how I know)
She's adorable! She reminds me of Siena from Cat with a Garden.
How gorjuss. We hope to see lots more picshures of her!
Send Chloe our purrs - and save some for yourself too.
She's purrty cute! We hope you get to meet her soon.
She's so cute. We look forward to more pictures of her.
Meow! Chloe is really pretty! I hope you can meet her!
Oh my! how gorgeous! we love her coloring!
Your new cousin is beautiful!
Chloe is certainly very cute and we love kitties with floofy tails here!
Oh Chloe, you are too adorable!!
Are you going to teach her to be a honorary husky too?
Princess Eva
Nice to meet Chloe! Nice floof!
She is so cute! Of course, she's a grey tabby, like me, so obviously she's cute.
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