There I was, sitting at the top of the stairs, minding my own business, when the pupparazzi arrived. So I refused to look directly at them. Don't ask me where Bazza was, he has done a lousy job of being my bodyguard since you all voted him in. Maybe he needs some more training?
Let the rekhords show:
I did NOT vote fur him!
PeeEssWoo: Another shot to make Stormy proud!
Oh! It seems that you are ashamed or tired of posing for photos =)
Jas & Gi
Wow we didn't know Bazza would let you down. We really like this picture of you though Huffle,it is a sweet pose.
You'll notice on my blog I am not going to be a pushover anymore for pictures.
Further, with the claws you showed the other day in your play bow to Zim, you have no need whatsoever of a body guard, especially Bazza. All you have to do is unsheath those claws and you could take care of yourself. Add your teeth for further pain.
Time to get a Siberian to help you out. You don't look too happy, Huffle.
Woos, the OP Pack
Meow Meow My Dearest Huffle
You never have to look at the camera if you don't want to because you are so so beautiful no matter what!
Purrs and kisses,
Your Dearest MrSippi
How much are yoo paying Bazza, maybe he wants a raze...
It's so hard to hard to get some privacy when you're an international blogging sensation.
I think it's time for a bigger and more active bodyguard. I love to travel so I'd volunteer but I could never leave my momma.
We told you you shoulda picked Timmy as your body guard....
I guess we did wrong voting for Bazza!
Kisses and hugs
The paparazzi can make life unbearable sometimes! Still, you are cute!
Hey! I have tagged you... if you want you can list 6 (un)important things that make you happy.
I don't know if you have done this tag yet.
We voted for Bazza but we now we fink he shud be fired 'cos he's not protecting you properly!
Smooches from Milo and Alfie xx
Bazza may need a refresher course, alright!
I think that Bazza should be kicked out and that the new stuffed Zim replica should step in. Just a thought!
Oh, Huffle! You TOTALLY rock that photo!!! I love it, and Stormy is rolling on the floor "ha roo roo roo"ing. It's perfect!
Where IS Bazza? Where is the little Sibe I sent you? Is he off sleeping again? Oh, no... wait. That's what I'm doing. Somestuffie needs to get on the JOB!
Play bows,
does the pupperazi use the flash on the clicky box? I hate when my mum does that, but most of the time she keeps the flash off so it won't hurt my eyes.
Oh that Bazza is falling down on the job. He must be told.
Hugs GJ x
Huffle,I also do not like to pose,heehee
I think Bazza may be keeping the pappazzari from getting too close,otherwise they would have their lenses right in your face :)
As much as it is annoying, Bazza must know that we want to see your pretty face from time to time ;)
Purrs Mickey
Yes I now those paparazzi always
You are a Beauty :)
I must always sit nice from my Mom for a picture :(
Have a nice sunday
purrss hugss Kareltje =^.^=
Hmm. I like that: pupperazzi! You look so regal in that pose! Glad I stopped by!
Noir in Texas
I didn't vote for him, either..as a matter of fact, I think I missed that whole thing! I don't blame you for not lookin' at the camera, Huffle-puffle. It's not like you're at their command or anything!
I have some pictures of me at the top of the stairs to share. I'll have to do that this week or something.
You should have picked the one we sent you! Alex?
You need to have a serious talk with Bazza.
We're impressed by the way you avoided eyecontact ;-)
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