Thank you for allowing us to adopt you seven years ago, when you had spent so many months in the shelter, no-one looking at you because you were black, and shy.
Thank you for making us laugh with your antics. From the time you "caught" the gecko, to the time you actually caught the dragonfly, and that one time you caught a fly with your paw and couldn't quite believe it, and lifted up your paw to check, only to let the fly get away.
Thank you for always politely asking for ham (every single day) and for loving prawns nearly as much as ham - actually I think you loved prawns more than ham, but they were a special infrequent treat.
Thank you for being the conduit to making so many wonderful friends all around the world. It was wonderful to see so many of your friends post lovely tributes to you on their blogs in the last couple of weeks.
Thank you for being the sweetest kitty to grace our lives. Huffledad and I are going to miss you so much.
Love, Mum and Dad

Thank you to everyone for your kind words over the passing of our dear Huffle. We are just heartbroken, even more so because it happened while we were away. We take comfort in the fact Huffle was with her grandpa, whom she loved so much, at the very end. She did not suffer. And she knew she was loved for the seven years she lived with us, although we could not make up for the first five years of her life that were so hard.
Huffle was a special girl, and leaves a big hole in our hearts.
Teddy is adjusting to life as an only cat. He will continue blogging next year, but on his own blog: Teddy Westlife - Don't Bite. I'll be moving over his posts from Huffle's blog slowly over the coming weeks.
Thank you everyone, for being our friends.
We were heartbroken when we heard the news about Huffle, and felt awful that you were out of town. Healing purrs to you... know that we will not forget your special girl.
We are crying all over again! We will miss Huffle so much, CC especially. She was a one in a million purrsonality. We send you our best hugs and warmest purrs.
But it's not's just...fur now -
I'll admit HM was pretty khool fur a khat -
Of khourse, she was an honourary HUSKY!
PeeEssWoo: Woo've got some paws to fill Teddy - but I KNOW woo are SO the khat fur the job...just sayin'
We're all leaky again too :( we just don't have the words to say how sad and sorry we are. Thank you for sharing Huffle with us. She was so beautiful. We were glad we could "meet" her. Big purrs,
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Simba, Audrey and Mom
We are so very sorry for your loss. It is so sweet to see Huffle in her famous pot. We hope she has found one for her sunpuddle naps over the bridge.
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We know this has been very hard for Huffle's family. She had so many friends and she is missed! Hugs, purrs and pawtaps.
We were so sad to hear about sweet Huffle. Hopefully she is playing with all her friends at the Rainbow Brigde. Tucker likes kitties if she needs a doggy friend and protector.
Daisy, Leo and Angel Tucker.
Thank you for sharing Huffle with all of us. She was one of our first furiends....and we loved her very much. We're sure gonna miss her.
Hugs and purrs to you and Huffledad.
Huffle was one of our first welcomers when we began blogging and stayed a good friend right along. We will miss him like one of our own.
Jo, Stella and Zkhat
Oh we have been so sad about Huffle. Me and Finny and now Quill have just loved her and you. I'm glad to hear Teddy will continue the tradition. Big love and hugs to you and yours friend.
We're both very sorry to hear, Huffle was a fellow black kitty, and I'll miss Huffle.
-- Zazou
It was our extreme pleasure to know Miss Huffle. She will be missed by us, too. XOXOXO
Purrs to your family. Mom read us the post with tears rolling down her cheeks. RIP dear Huffle.
I've rarely commented on here (but did once enter a submission into the Cat-o-Lympics in its first year), but Huffle is my favorite cat online. I am saddened and shocked to hear this news. Tears well up on my eyes as if she is my own ... Thank you Huffle for the laughs and giggles you shared online. I will miss you so much!
We will miss Sweet Huffle with her clever wit, what a hole she must have left in your lives. Thanks for sharing all of her adventures with us.
Julie and Poppy Q
our hearts ache for you at this loss. Huffle was much loved by so many, and we grieve with you....
It has been my pleasure to know Huffle. Sending many hugs. I too was heartbroken when I learned the news. I agree with Khyra-- Teddy has some paws to fill but he is SO the kitty for the job <3 <3
Hugs and prayers,
It must have been hard indeed to hear this when you are abroad!
Huffle brightened up my life every time I read a new post of her.
Regarding that making up, don't feel bad about this, one can never make up for the past, but only do the best for the present. And cats do live in the present moment more than we humans are able to do...
PS I am so glad Teddy will continue to blog, I love this little fellow!
We're so sorry. What a sweet girl she was. I'm glad she didnt suffer. Hugs and purrs to you all.
We were blessed to "know" Huffle for the few years we've been around the CB, and oh, how I (the human) understand the grief. I'm so glad she was able to have 7 wonderful and loving years with you.
I will miss Miss Hufflepuff so much. I can only imagine how much harder it was for you both being so far away.
I've put Teddy in my reader already and look forward to his goonish antics.
Dearest Huffle,
It was with utter disbelief that we read about your sudden departure for the Bridge, and we still can't quite believe you are gone. We met you when the big parsley pot issue broke out and Angus Mhor started a campaign to get you another one. Since then, we always followed your adventures with such pleasure, even the arrival of "The Goon" Teddy. We will miss you more than we can say, but know you had a huge welcoming committee of lots of old friends at the Bridge.
Teddy, we have already bookmarked your new blog.
HuffleMum and HuffleDad, our deepest condolences.
Gentle Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Big Hugs,
Everyone at the Poupounette
We are all shedding tears here for Huffle, but we know she's in a better place where she probably has a gazillion balconies with sunbeams.
Thank you for sharing her with us. We really loved getting to know her and you.
Steve, Kat, Wilbur, Mom and Dad
Soft sad woos on the passing of a visionary honorary husky kitty and member of HULA. We mourn the loss of sweet Huffle.
Meeshka and the gimpy gang (and the human man and woman)
Soft husky wooos mates, we are so very sorry,
You picked a lovely tribute photo of Huffle in her favourite pot. You made a lovely tribute post. I will miss sweet Huffle and all her antics.. Run free sweet friend and hugs and purrs to you.. GJ xx
**hugs and purrs**
We will always, always, ALWAYS love Huffle Mawson, coolest Explorer Cat in all the world!!! She's the bestest kit-cat friend I've ever had -- and I just know she will be with me on many of my adventures - in spirit.
One single nose lick to you and the Huffledad from me, hugs from Dave, and lots of love from Mom.
Play bows,
When I saw this post in my feed my heart jumped to my throat! :( I'm so sorry! We all love you Huffle, and we'll never, ever forget you. <3
We're so sorry Miss Huffle has moved on. She was so beautiful.
Huffle was (is?) one of kind. Always the perfect words, the special gaze, the parsley pot... We miss her lots. Not as much as you, thought. Bet the Goon misses her, too, in his own way. You and the rest of us will keep her memory warm.
Hugs and purrs,
Lizzie & 3 kitties
It is always sad when we have to bid one of our friends farewell for now.
Here's to Huffle! As an honorary husky, wear your Silver Harness proudly as you head north of the Rainbow Bridge.
Still teary about her over here. She was a special girl and a good friend to Edda.
We are so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your time with sweet Huffle with us in those beautiful photos. Many warm purrs for Huffle.
I am very sad to know about Huffle.
Our thoughts are with you.
Take care
We gots all leaky when we heard about Huffle. We is glad that Teddy will keep blogging.
We are very sorry for the loss of Huffle. Back in 2009, when we were first exploring the cat blogosphere, yours was one of the first blogs we visited and linked to. We will always remember, "Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat."
It was such a shock to us...and we are so honored to know Huffle. She is the reason we got our little black kitty, Salem. We are so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your girl with us, and the world.
Farewell sweet Huffle Mawson ! I am happy that I got to meet you in pawson. You will be missed by so many - run free sweetheart.
Tracey and Kendall - you are in our thoughts and hearts xo
Brooke, Greg and the puppers
Farewell sweet Huffle Mawson ! I am happy that I got to meet you in pawson. You will be missed by so many - run free sweetheart.
Tracey and Kendall - you are in our thoughts and hearts xo
Brooke, Greg and the puppers
Huffle will be missed. We didn't know her as well as our sister-before-us, Sweet Praline, did, but we loved following her.
The stories of the parsley pot were some of our favorites.
Huffle, we will miss you so much. You know how much I looked up to you as such an experienced panther blogging kitty. It breaks my heart to think that you had a hard life before finding your forever home, but we know for sure that you found the best home ever. You were loved by your family and by your furriends who are all over the world.
xoxo Cory
pee ess Teddy, we will follow you to your new blog
So sorry for Ms. Huffle's passing. She was the absolute-most-bestest poster girl for black cats, and we'll miss her witty and articulate posts. We hope Teddy doesn't pine too much for her :(
Thank you for loving Huffle so much and so well. She had such a wonderful life with you there, and we thank you for sharing her with all of us. Fly free, Huffle Mawson. We love you, and look forward to the day we meet again.
I have clearly missed knowing a pawsome kit kat. I did ot know her as I am still making furriends in the paw blog world. I only just started following so I am purrleased Teddy will keep up blogging and I will be honored to follow him. I am not an explorer cat and don't go outside, but I also languished for a year at my shelter because I was so shy and always hid. Huffle and I are so fortunate our huFamilies saw beyond that shyness, knew it was fear, and gave us a safe place to show our REAL SELVES. My paws will hug Huffle when I meet her at the bridge one day. Paw pats, Savannah
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet beautiful Huffle. Thanks for sharing her with us.
oh, i simply can't believe she is no longer with us.
RIP miss Huffle, i shall always remember you.
It is so hard when they leave us.
The best thing anyone said to me when my MinniePie left too soon was:
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
That Winnie the Pooh is a wise bear.
Thank you for sharing Huffle with us. I will miss her; but, not I am sure, as much as you. She may have had a hard life in the beginning; but, you gave her many years of happiness in a warm loving home.
Oh, this is such sad news! We will miss beautiful Miss Huffle so very much! Thank you for sharing her with us. Hugs and purrs from the Kidz and their mom...
I am so sorry you had to be away when Huffle left for the Bridge, but glad she had someone she loved nearby. brandi has no doubt met her and they are playing together and watching over their loved ones back here. We'll be checking in on Teddy, and hope he won't be too lonely and sad.
We are all so very sad about Miss Huffle. WE will always remember that sleek beauty. WE are so glad we knew you, farwell for now.
We will always treasure our memories of Huffle. We miss her too.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
and mom Nancy and Angel Mickey
You have our deepest condolences. As we said earlier, Huffle was one of our very first blogging friends and we are eternally grateful to have known our Honorary Siberian friend.
I wanted to send my condolences again to you. After losing Mocha last year, I know how hard this is. Huffle was ever so lucky to have had such great parents these last 7 years. I'm so happy she loved her grand-dad and was with him when it was time to go.
Hugs and love to you.
Dear sweet beautiful Huffle, I will miss you, and your reports and observations. You were such an astute cat. I thought that from time to time you may have been a little hard on Teddy, but he probably deserved it. Rest well sweet girl; I imagine you chasing butterflies in a lush green field of flowers.
Huffle was lucky she found you, and you were lucky that you found her. A fortunate cat and a fortunate family, too soon parted.
I haven't been keeping up on my blogs that I read lately but something told me today to come and check through them. I am in tears, I absolutly loved reading your blog, but will continue to keep reading. I know how incredibly hard it is to lose a family pet and my wishes and prayers go out to you and your family <3
We really miss Huffle too.
We think she is with Diamond.
Dawn (Shubunkin) for The Pond Fish
We are so sad to read of news of Huffle. We have been off line for a few weeks (computer issues). She was one of the first kitty blogs we followed. It was so neat to have a kitty friend "down under".
May your hearts be comforted to know that Huffle is warm and happy at the bridge. You will see her again.
Will continue to follow Sir Teddy's adventures.
Dusty (the cat) and Jeannie
We are very sorry to read about Huffle. We will miss her much. Of all the kitties we have met on the blogs she was the most polite and fun kitty we had ever met. We know how hard this has been for you.
What a lovely post, she will be missed.
{hugs and purrs}
Dear Huffle,
Woody, Patch and Verity and us were so sad to hear of your going over the Rainbow Bridge but we know that you are a happy kitty and that we will meet again.
We offer our heartfelt purrs to your family xoxox
Woody, Verity, Patch and the humans.
We are so saddened to here that Huffle has run off to The Bridge. We enjoyed knowing him via blogger and we know that Scooter and Skeeter were there to greet him. Fly Free Forever Sweet Huffle...
Thank you Huffle for being my very first friend in the cat blogosphere! I will miss your generosity and your special, understated kitty presence so very much.
Oh... R.I.P. sweet Huffle. What a beautiful tribute for such a special kitty...
Huffle was one of our first and favourite blogging friends, a lovely ladycat who made us smile every time we visited. We like to think she has been reunited with her parsley pot at the bridge.
Teddy you great big goon, you're really going to have to step up now. They are some super big shoes you have to fill.
P.S. Our new sister's middle name is Estella. She huffs and puffs, too. xoxo
so very sorry for your loss...
Oh we are so so sad to hear of Huffle's passing. She was a wonderful girl and her blog was a true inspiration. Thoughts and hugs to Huffle's family. Much love, Oliver, Ruby and Rose (and Scott!)
Dear Huffle Mawson,
We're so sorry to hear of your passing.
We want to thank you too. For being such a good friend. For all your funny posts. For all your witty comments. Do you remember that you and Olivia had the first white whisker at all most the same time?
We'll keep you in our hearts. Keep exploring.
Purrs and hugs to your humans and Teddy from
Cliff, Olivia, Georgie and the Humans
We are sorry to read about the passing of Ms Huffle. She was really so sweet and we will miss her.
We are sending you lots of hugs.
The Piappies – Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Oh no! I'm playing catch-up and just reading this for the very first time. I'm so sorry about Miss Huffle. I loved reading about her wonderful adventures. I hope the Goon is adapting to his life as a single kitty.
Men my mom-persons hearts ache for you at this loss.
Sending many huggies and (((purrs)))
Purrs of support from our family
Oh Huffle, you will be missed. We haven't been keeping up with our friends lately as much as we'd like, and just checked in to read the news... we are so shocked and sad to learn of Huffle's passing. Sending all of our purrs and love to Huffle and her friends and family, she has always held a special place in our hearts.
Dear Fur Angel Huffle Mawson, Teddy, and Family,
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas filled with much love, happiness, and good cheer! Teddy, be a good boy-cat and don't pull down the Christmas tree! ;->
We miss Huffle Mawson very much but know she is enjoying endless ham and sunbeams, and visits with Suka.
FurAngel Suka and K
Oh No !!!! Miss Huffle !!!!!
I'm so so sorry. I didn't know. My mom didn't check anything for so long. I couldn't put into words. Me and my mom are very sorry. Miss Huffle is so special. Me and mom is always love her. Time will heal your soul, Mom Tracey.
Many hugs to you and family.
Merry Christmas
Many Purrs & Lots of Hugs
What a blessed life Huffle had with you! I hope that Teddy's working hard to make you smile as you get used to life without dear Huffle. xxx
I'm so sorry, I only just found out as I've not done a lot of blogging since Ailsa left as it makes me so sad when our favourite blogs lose there "owners"
Miss Angel Huffle, I miss you so much !
Happy New Year to you and your lovely family !!!
May Every Single Day of Your New Year Glow With
Pawsome Cheer, Excellent Healthy, & Happiness
❤ You always been loved by Me ❤
Puddy Boy
Miss Angel Huffle,
I hope you don't mind me to give an award to Mr. Goon to continue your blogging. Please remind Mr. Goon, he has the big next thing to do.
Lots of love
So sad to hear about your dear sweet Huffle. You loved her so and her you. One day you will meet again.
Purrs and Hugs
*tears* We just found out about sweet Huffle crossing the Bridge. We are so sorry for your loss. My furblings and I fondly remember the "Re-Pot Huffle" campaign when she lost her original pot to lay in! We don't get to visit blogs as much as we use to. Huffle with be missed.
Clarissa & Co.
We are very belatedly coming to visit your bloggie, Angel Huffle, and thinking of you young and free and healthy...We know how much you were loved and by so many and we will never think of Parsley without thinking of you...
We stops by again, to tells you we are thinking of Huffle and her family. We hope your healing continues.
We will never forget your sweet girl. We are grateful that you shared her through stories and your beautiful photos.
Huffle! My heart breaks and rejoices at the same time. We will miss you so much here but you are in a wonderful place with all your great friends at the same time. Take care of your mum and dad we know you are always watching over them.
Tygana, Pepper and their mom
Sorry I am so late!
Huffle! You were very loved! My heart breaks and rejoices at the same time, it breaks because we will miss you here so much. But it rejoices knowing you have gone to a wonderful place with your friends. I know you are always watching over your Mum and Dad, take good care of them like you always have. We will send them lots of purrs as well.
Tygana, Pepper and their Mom
I too miss you. Sometimes when I look at the stars, I find that I see among them.
Diamond really loved Huffle. We think they are together with all their other friends.
Princess Aurora
Oh my... so cute!!!
To my dear, sweet, lovely, funny and very special Huffle. Where do I start. You were the very first feline to visit my blog. I fell in love with that sweet little face from the very first I set eyes on you and you always were my favourite puddlycat. I have laughed at your antics, rolled my eyes at your c-attitude and shared your tears when friends have left us behind to frolic at the bridge. I will treasure those memories always and whenever I look at my very own little black puddycat I will see your sweet face as he is the image of you. This is not goodbye sweet Huffle. This is " see you later" Love you sweet girl. Ben xxxxxx
I was just thinking of you Huffle. The tears come back so quick, I hope you are running free and waiting at the bridge when your friends come too. I miss you as I'm sure your humans do too. purrrs.
I am so sorry to hear about Huffle. He was one of the reasons I started a blog. I hope Teddy will post on Huffle's blog. He is a very handsome boy.
Hi- just wanted you to know I was thinking about Huffle and wanted to come and pay a visit. Lovely to see the pictures again. Purrs.
Still thinking of you and missing you.
Huffle was the reason Batu and I got into blogging. Do not doubt how much Huffle meant to the cat blogging world. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. We will miss Huffle very much. xxx
I am so sorry to hear about Huffle. She was the reason that Batu and I got into Blogging. Do not doubt what an impression Huffle has made on the cat blogging world and beyond. Thank you for making us feel so welcome too. Huffle will be sorely missed. xxx
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