My friends Sam, Zorro and Bello asked me: Huffle, are you city cat or from the suburbs? and if suburbs, are you a north, south, east or west cat? We live in the south east. Teddy, who is the bestest sister in the world and have you got her sardinie?
Well, I am from the suburbs, the northern suburbs of Melbourne, but we are very close to the city so I like to think of myself as a sophisticated city cat.
Teddy says he does not know anything about bestest sisters and pleads plausible deniability regarding the location of Sardinie.
Sardinie is still missing. Just saying.
Oh Teddy! You did not eat Sardinie did you?
I am glad to know you my sophisticated friend!
Teddy really needs to fess up about Sardinie - where did you hide it?
Hope you find it soon, Huffle.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
the northern suburbs of Melbourne ? GOD ! I always think you live in The West like me ! Just because of Teddy's Surname !!!
Where ever you live , I'm on to you anyway : ) Miss Beautiful Huffle
I wonder if maybe sardinie and my mousie have gone off somewhere together? I hope they both turn up soon :)xx
Teddy, it's not nice to keep Sardinie away from its proper owner.
Oh no! We hope Sardinie turns up soon .You haven't received a ransom note have you?
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, you are a very cheeky boy! Hand over sardinie and princess Jasmine's mousie or at least tell where they are. and hey, we have you in the north, us in the s.e and mr puddy in the west! We think Fui, Suey and Lishy are western, too, we think. Um...any blogging cats live in da south? Do Rumble and Hamlet count as Eastern? oh, sure they're in NZ but from here it's eastern, yeah? (Mum's dreadful directionally incase this is all wrong.)
Oh, Teddy, did you abscond with Sardinie?? Hey, now that I think about it, Scarlett is missing her giant crinkle ball... did you "borrow" that too?
HaRooo Huffle!
How long have woo been missing Sardinie?
Will he efur turn up?
I wonder what all the different areas mean in Melbourne. Here in Los Angeles, the West Side humans are more affluent and a little spoiled and often work in entertainment or media. South humans are a little more conservative and very beach-y. North humans live in the San Fernando Valley, and they are the epitome of suburbia. East side humans like mine are scrappier and more streetwise and love having multicultural surroundings.
Huffle, that was a good news for us! I hope you really have fun with sardinie!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
We finks a randsum note will turn up.
We have always known that you are a most sophisticated cat, Huffle!
Now about that Sardinie.....
The Chans
We hope you find Sardinie, beautiful Huffle=has that adorable, annoying Teddy stolen your bestest toy???...Best of luck, lovely friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh rats! (Not you, Roger.) The north? No wonder I didn't see you while I was watching the Presidents Cup! I kept looking for you!
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy.
Play bows,
We think of ourselves as sophisticated country bumpkin dogs.
Oh Huffle, Has that Bad Boy been making your life a misery AGAIN? Honestly, I think he needs a good whappin'.
Hi Huffle, as you might knows, this is our Thanksgiving, where we give thanks fur blessings.
We wants you to know we is thankful fur you. Fur your stories and your wonderful picshurs and your furendship.
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