Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ask Huffle

Jasmine and a few others wanted to know: do you and Teddy every snuggle up together or give each other a bath?  Or do we ever hang out together?

The answer is a very short NO.  We do not get along because Teddy is a bully and always trying to jump on me and bite me.  A few people suggested that we should get Teddy fixed but he already has been, the very day he was old enough.  It didn't make one bit of difference to his behaviour.  If anything, he is worse, probably because he is lighter on his feet now.


The Army of Four said...

Hmm. Well, we DO know about Bully Cats around here!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Huffle. You need to give him some good whaps so he knows his place.

Cat said...

Poor Huffle!!! Have you tried the Feliway plug-ins or maybe a calming collar for Teddy?

The Florida Furkids said...

Those calming collars seem to work really well for somecats. Maybe that would help Teddy?

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Simba said...

Oh, Huffle, I am sorry Teddy harasses you, but we did laugh at you saying he is lighter on his feet since he was "fixed".

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Huffle, I guess Teddy is just a Young Boy who has full energy, I just wish you good luck with him.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Huffle, we are sorry that you get bullied by Teddy. Hopefully he will grow out of this soon. The comment about being lighter on his feet after the surgery made me laugh!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Stacy Hurt said...

There are four females in our house and THREE of them are bullies!


so like
Two of them really. Miss Jenga will get after Miss Jack on occasion BUT the absolute Queen Beotch is Myself of course. A title I'm proud of.

Boyz? I would be the same as you; get 'em outta my house! In fact, we have successfully lobbied & evicted a few (well, ok. so really they were adopted) heehee

Good luck Devine Miss M. I can come whack some Teddie butt if you like!

Ms. Stella O'Houlgian

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Huffle! We sure wish you could put Teddy in his place.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Well, he still is a young whipper-snapper. Mebbe he just needs to mature more. Precious is the bully at our house. Good luck! xoxo

Sparkle said...

He's lighter on his feet? Wow, I didn't know those male "bits" were so heavy!

Cory said...

What is it with boy cats? My brother Figaro jumped on my tonight. I screamed and swatted him...and then he...he...uh..he body slammed me!

Right in front of mom! Figgy got in trouble, but he just flopped and looked cute.

I'm hoping he grows out of it.

Val said...

Oh Huffle - just know he will get better once it is out of his ruly teen year(s)...

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

"Lighter n his feet now", ha-ha, 'cos he was in danger of tripping before? You sure are funny, Huffle! Oh, we really like you new blog header - much more fitting that hoons should be on the side bar..;)

Stella said...

Teddy is a young kitty, he just wants to play all day and have fun.
Its too bad he lives with such a grouchy, no-fun housemate, Huffle.


Anonymous said...

Kojiro wants to come back to your house for all the full food bowls you have. He will put Teddy in his place. He has been complaining for extra food since he got home. Wow what 1 day can do to a cat

The Whiskeratti said...

All babies grow up and settle down.. we hope you can last that long, Miss H!

Makropoulos said...

That sounds way too familiar to us at Pisi and Squeak's house! And Squeak is the one who suffers! So sorry Huffle!

Vanillabeanseed said...

Mol.. lighter on his feet now. hehehehe