Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Is everyone enjoying the winter Olympics so far? I think it's great! And in conjunction with Fin over at Housecat Confidential, I am hosting an Olympic event right here!

My event is competitive napping. This is a very complicated event so I thought the best way to show you how it is done is with a photo:


See how I am napping in a spot that really, I was never meant to sleep in? That's right, it's my old parsley pot! Mum did grow parsley in there but I took it over and it became my favourite napping spot.

Anyway the rules for competitive napping are really easy. All you have to do is submit a photo of you napping. Preferably in a spot you're not meant to be, but any photo of you taking a nap is eligible.

You can email me the photo, or post it on your own blog and leave me a comment to tell me it's there, or you can post it on your own blog and email me to tell me it's there. It's that simple. You can enter any time between now and midnight Friday (midnight wherever you are). If you post the photo on your own blog and tell me about it, you are giving me permission to borrow the photo to post here for the finals on the weekend. All competitors will have their photos on my blog on Saturday and Sunday, and Monday will be the medal ceremony.

So get napping everyone! All kitties, and pups who think they can nap as well as kitties, are eligible to enter.

p.s. if you email me your entry please make sure you include your name, and your blog address so I can make sure the photo links back to the right spot.

One last thing. If you would like to use the Cat-O-Lympics badge I have here, please click on it and it will take you to my FlickR account, where you are welcome to download it for yourself. If your assistant is technically challenged, let me know and I can email it to you :)


Anonymous said...

You look so adorable in your beloved parsley pot! Mom has to look for some of us napping. We'll submit them when she finds them!

Amy & the house of cats said...

This is a great event - we will have to see if we have anyone in our house who can enter this one!

Misha said...

Ahhh, that photo is a reminder of happier times...

Kea said...

Whaddya mean, napping in a place we're not supposed to be? Every place is where we're supposed to be -- we own everything! We are the rulers of our kingdom and can nap wherever we want! Heh heh.

-Annie, Nicki and Derry

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Hey Huffle! We thinks you win hands down for napping in the old parsley pot! We miss the old parsley pot!

Mom posted a picture of Jazzie Jessie sleeping next to Rockford on my blog today! Can we enter that? Just for the fun of it!

Anonymous said...

Great photo Huffle! It looks like you might have done a bit of a head rub too. LOL! We're going to search through our photos and find some good napping ones to enter!

The Island Cats said...

Oh I'm really good at this...I gotta get my entry in...


Anonymous said...

I would love to enter, Mum has posted my photo today. Thanks Huff!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I think this is actually something I can do!

Great pic!

The Army of Four said...

How can anykit or anypup compete with that perfect napping spot?!?!
I'm going to give it my best, though. Seriously.
Play bows,

Cats in trees said...

Competitive Napping, we're up for that. We'll see your parsley and raise you a tree with our own speciality: Treestyle Napping.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

What a great event! We are looking forward to seeing the interesting places the competitors found to nap.

Cory said...

I think you already know it, but my momma Ellie has her power napping entry up today. Tomorrow we go for the synchronized snooze!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Oh this sounds like fun. I better work on finding a good picture. I hope my silly mom doesn't forget.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We will get mum on the case tomorrow so she can look out a suitable photo.

The Creek Cats said...

Hmmmm! We might be able to enter this event! We're really good at napping!

Remington said...

Great event! I think you are going to get the "GOLD"!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We've got ours up on our blog - Inigo is going to do this one solo.


Quill and Greyson said...

Bob: This is an excellent showing early in the competition Jim!

Jim: This kitties going to be hard to beat, but she is clearly open to the competition.

Bob: I wonder if our host has it in her to nap with the big dogs?

Great Hosting Huffle Nation~

Mack said...

Hi! I'm new here!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huffle!
I know how much you loved your blue parley pot!
I am going to look for a napping picture to send it to you!
Kisses and hugs

The Kitty Krew said...

Ohhh, now napping we can do. We're competing in the Synchronized Snoozing event Tuesday, but we'll enter the Competitive Napping this week for sure! (Don't know if we can get a better place, but we can at least look pretty darn cute... MOL)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Unknown said...

I love your photo! As for the contest, count me in. Actually, count all of us in....you'll see :) My pack and I are experts at napping.
Thank you for organizing this.

Suka said...

hey Huffle Mawson,

My human does not have a TV so no Olympics for me, so I am happy that I can watch it on your blog! I think your parsley pot nap is Gold Medal material, so I don't know if I can beat that. I will see what I can come up with. Very exciting!


Angel Simba said...

That looks like an awesome napping spot - how creative!

Anonymous said...

Parsley Pot! Oh, how we miss you! Oh. Sure. Huffle Mom got a new one. Or three. Cheap imitations at best.

Marg said...

Oh this looks like a great competition. We will have to see if we have any good pictures. Everyone have a great day.

SuziQCat said...

We have entered three cats in this competition! Finally one we can all qualify for :)


Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Huffle - we got our entry together for this competition - but it won't post for about 5 1/2 hours (I put the number instead of the time, you know, since you are in a totally different timezone) because we have a new post up now that we thought deserved some time. I am trying to stagger the posts. But it will be at our blog soon.


Unknown said...

Huffle, you got an entry! It's already up for your viewing. I had great difficulty picking out photos. We're a family of nappers. I love how simple you made this. I hope it's not too complicated on your end either. :)

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

great napping photo!

We just sent in a photo...

Got a question... duz our eyes havta be closed?

I naps wif dem open sumtimes.

Katie Kitty Too

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Huffle, we will have to see if we can come up with a good one. Too bad we don't have a parsley pot.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Sparkle said...

Ah, the single-cat napping category! I bet there are lots of great entries for this one! I'm boxing on Thursday, but I do think I have a good entry for this one - I've seen human Olympic athletes compete in more than one category, so cats should be able to do the same, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh what great fun! tho i don't think we'd be competitive as my doggies NEFUR nap where they are not supposed to. NEFUR. (at least while i'm looking...) i'd need a web cam to be able to be competitive in this event!

good luck nappers! all nappers in the ring!
wild dingo

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Sounds like that will be a lot of fun.

We put our picture up of Marley at our blogsite.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We have posted our entry!

Percy the Cat said...

My photo is here: http://percycat.blogspot.com/2010/02/olympics.html

Your parsley pot looks like a great place to nap!

Anonymous said...

Hey Huffle,
All 3 of us Bumpass Kitties want to enter the Cat-O-Lympics. We're at http://bumpasshounds@blogspot .com and our names are Alex (Al E. Kat), Boru (Boogers Boru), and Jenny. We will post our competitive napping photos on tomorrow's (Wednesday) blog. We think that this is a GReat contest that we are well qualified to compete in. Thank you for the opportunity to excel for Bumpass.
- Alex, Boru & Jenny and The Bumpass Hounds

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Um, we had to watch out the window while an intooder cat peed on our snow , scratched it up and then went on his way. Then we noticed several such snow-covers. We couldn't get a picture of the cat at the moment, but we have several of the after-pee pics.

Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Hey Huffle,
OBTW: The hounds want to enter and will post their entries on Thursday. The have the same email and blog address as us kitties.

The Florida Furkids said...

Here's our entry in Competitive Napping!


Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

YAY! We heard about the cat-o-lympics through Misha. How fabulous!

Here is Mischa's entry from the US.


Thanks... Stacey and Mischa

The Kitty Krew said...

Our Competitive Napping entry is now up, you can see it at:


Thanks, Huff! :D

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Marg said...

We wanted to let you know that we have an entry in the Competitive Napping event. Thanks for hosting this event. Have a great day.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

As soon as I leave here the mom is going to enter me into the Napping Competition, so give me a few minutes to post. I will be in a double event today as I also am in te Synchronized Snoozing Competition today too!
Thanks I will use your Cat O Lympic badge when I am featured in an event.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hi, Huffle, we came by to let you know we signed Percy on for Competitive Napping. He might not look like he's somewhere he shouldn't be but that's BUDDY'S chair!


Dog Foster Mom said...

Hi Huffle, there are a couple of unofficial entries at our blog as well - http://www.dogfostermom.com/2010/02/cat-o-lympics.html. Thanks for hosting the fun event!


HI Huffle:

We entered Mr.Jinx in this great event that you're hosting...please check us out...


purry purrs

Cliff and Olivia said...

You look so sweet in your parsley pot, Huffle.

We'll start napping right away :-)

Lisa Kolosey said...

Hello Huffle,

I have submitted a photo of Snafu via your email address for the Cat O-Lymics Competitive Napping Event. We know it will be wildly popular, but we think Snafu's sleeping pose has met all your requirements and we have crossed-double paws!

We also plan to post it on the Cat of Nine Tales blog Thursday at 5:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, so you can also see it there with comments.

Good luck everyone!

~Lisa Co9T

Love Meow said...

this is a fantastic event. My kitties and I love it!!

Here our entry for competitive napping:


Lynx217 said...

We did get our post up a few days ago, Huffle! We hope you got to see it.

Lynx217 said...

Oh geez I just realized we got our competitions screwed up! Sorry!

Coco the Parrotcat said...

Fabulous! I'm excellent at napping...though your parsley pot may be hard to beat! I have asked my mummy to send you a couple of pictures of me doing my bestest napping :-)

Noll's Nip said...

I'm going to enter but I thinks you got me beat with that parsely pot napping spot ;)

Khady Lynn said...

Hmmmmm, I think I can play this game!!

Khady Lynn

Anonymous said...

WOO Huffle, if we can get huMom to find suitable photos before they abandon us for the week we will put them on our blog. If it isn't there by Friday it won't be :/
Kayla and Maebe

Cliff and Olivia said...

Hi Huffle,

We've posted our entry today:

Cliff and Olivia

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Hi Huffle

We have posted an entry on our blog today. It's a combined entry for Leo and Abby.

Leo, Tucker and Daisy

Quill and Greyson said...

I'm going to enter, but I know I won't win this exciting event.

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Huffle!! Here are our pictures for your Competitive Napping Event!!
We love you in your Blue Pot!! Thanks for the great Event!
Your TX furiends,

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

We gots our Competitive Napping photos ups at

Katie is in a box and Daisy is on da Roses.

"The Boys" and Karen said...

"The Boys" have a couple napping shots up at their blog; when they were trying out for the Synchronized Sleeping event.

This Cat-O-Lympics has been such a fun event.

I hope we can do it again next year!

One Cats Nip said...

Hi Huffle! I posted my entry for competitive napping today.


Audrey said...

This is my competitive napping entry! Thanks for hosting! http://audreythecat.blogspot.com/2010/02/sleepytime-my-cat-o-lympics-entry.html

mog said...

This is my photo for the competitive napping, er Ritzi's photo http://mindofmog.net/archives/2010/02/19/cat-o-lympics/ as it's not midnight here. It's still Friday in Arizona.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful place ! Arthur could have choosen it too !

Sakura said...

This is my photo from today
Thank you for the contest
Have a great week end

The Furry Bambinos said...

Hi there! Thanks for hosting this fun event! We entered on our blog!

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

Anonymous said...

Brilliant site, I had not noticed hufflemawson.blogspot.com before in my searches!
Carry on the excellent work!